Ramones totalmente

Categoría: INTERNACIONAL | Fecha de Publicación: 23/6/2005 | Por: Staff Rocksonico

set box

Ramones totalmenteset box,

Rhino la disquera oficial de the ramones pondrá a la venta Tales of the Ramones. estará formada por tres CDs con un total de 85 temas y un DVD que incluirá Lifestyles of the Ramones publicado originalmente en 1990.

Los temas que formarán Lifestyles of the Ramones son:

"Blitzkrieg Bop"
"Beat on the Brat"
"Judy Is a Punk"
"I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend"
"53rd & 3rd"
"Havana Affair"
"Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue"
"Glad To See You Go"
"Gimme Gimme Shock Treatment"
"I Remember You"
"Carbona Not Glue"
"Oh Oh I Love Her So"
"Swallow My Pride" (single version)
"Sheena Is a Punk Rocker" (ABC single version)
"I Don't Care" (single version)
"Rockaway Beach"
"Cretin Hop"
"Here Today, Gone Tomorrow"
"Teenage Lobotomy"
"Slug" (demo)
"Surfin' Bird"
"We're A Happy Family"
"I Just Want To Have Something To Do"
"I Wanted Everything"
"Needles & Pins" (remixed single version)
"I Wanna Be Sedated"
"Go Mental"
"Don't Come Close"
"I Don't Want You"
"She's the One"
"I'm Against It"

"Rock 'N' Roll High School" (Ed Stasium mix)
"I Want You Around" (Ed Stasium mix)
"Do You Remember Rock 'N' Roll Radio?"
"I'm Affected"
"Danny Says"
"The KKK Took My Baby Away"
"You Sound Like You're Sick"
"She's a Sensation"
"All's Quiet on the Eastern Front"
"Highest Trails Above"
"Psycho Therapy" (single version)
"Time Bomb"
"Mama's Boy"
"I'm Not Afraid of Life"
"Too Tough To Die"
"Wart Hog"
"Howling at the Moon (Sha-La-La)"
"Daytime Dilemma (Dangers of Love)"
"Endless Vacation"
"My Brain Is Hanging Upside Down (Bonzo Goes to Bitburg)" (U.K. 12" version)
"Somebody Put Something in My Drink"
"Animal Boy"
"I Don't Want To Live This Life (Anymore)" (U.K. b-side)
"Love Kills"
"Something to Believe In" (single version)

"I Wanna Live"
"Bop 'Til You Drop"
"I Lost My Mind"
"Garden of Serenity"
"I Believe in Miracles"
"Pet Sematary" (single version)
"Punishment Fits the Crime"
"Merry Christmas (I Don't Want To Fight Tonight)" (single version)
"Main Man"
"Strength To Endure"
"Poison Heart"
"I Won't Let It Happen"
"Journey to the Center of the Mind"
"7 And 7 Is"
"When I Was Young"
"I Don't Wanna To Grow Up"
"Makin' Monsters for My Friends"
"The Crusher"
"Life's a Gas"
"She Talks To Rainbows"
"Any Way You Want It"

"Lifestyles of the Ramones and More!" DVD:
"Do You Remember Rock 'N' Roll Radio?"
"Rock 'N' Roll High School"
"We Want the Airwaves"
"Psycho Therapy"
"Time Has Come Today"
"Howling at the Moon (Sha-La-La)"
"Something To Believe In"
"I Wanna Live"
"I Wanna Be Sedated"
"Pet Sematary"
"Merry Christmas (I Don't Want To Fight Tonight)"
"I Believe in Miracles"
"Strength To Endure"
"Poison Heart"
"I Don't Wanna To Grow Up"
"Blitzkrieg Bop" (live)


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Ramones totalmente
set box


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